Bring Back the NYC City Leaf Pickup, Composting and Giveback Program!

In the past, the city used to collect leaves from residents, compost them, and then host a “Free Compost Giveback” twice a year. Over the years, the program shrank until it was no more. In an effort to gather support for Fall Leaf Collection and Compost Givebacks, Beth Mathes, of East New York Farms will […]

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PLG Food Coop: Meetup Group and First Meeting

The PLG Food Coop has started a Meetup Group! Join here. Made up of CSA and non-CSA members, the PLG Food Coop is hoping to address some food issues in PLG and neighboring communities. The first planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 7 p.m. Location TBA. We will be discussing: […]

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Agriculture as Therapy

I was sent this interesting article from the New York Times about an organic farm upstate that works with recovering addicts. These patients live at a nearby rehab center and work as farmhands on the 2-acre farm that was donated to them by two local country clubs. They sell the produce back to the country […]

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Save Brooklyn Rescue Mission’s Bed-Stuy Farm

Brooklyn Rescue Mission (BRM), located in Bed-Stuy is one of the few food justice organizations in Brooklyn committed to community health, food and economic challenges in daily life. In addition to East New York Farms and Added Value, the BRM farm is one of the few community urban food agriculture projects in the city. In […]

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Slow Food’s Time for Lunch Campaign

The Time for Lunch Campaign is a project of Slow Food USA, an educational non-profit with the goal of creating a world in which everyone can enjoy food that is good, clean and fair. This year, they are asking parents, teachers and every responsible citizen to speak up and tell our nation’s leaders that change […]

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Sustainable: FoodprintNYC

Tuesday, July 21st is FoodprintNYC Call-In Day to your City Council representative! So far 11 City Council members have signed on as co-sponsors. Make sure your representative shows their support! Tomorrow, take action to support FoodprintNYC! Calling your representative is fast, easy, and effective. You can call on your way to the subway, while walking […]

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PLGCSA Outreach Night Recap

The outreach night was a big success! Board members Darren and Pavani and members Maya and Barbara set up and tabled the event. They had fliers and put out the leftover vegetables and took donations to sample Woodbridge Farms bounty. Cabbages, peaches, herbs, potatoes, even some garlic made it out to the general public which […]

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We here at Prospect-Lefferts Gardens CSA have produced a brochure about eating fresh (hopefully local and organic) food. The brochure also includes resources for access to good food and health in the PLG/Flatbush area. Click here to download the brochure (pdf).

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The Street Farmer

Some of you might have already seen the article in the New York Times Sunday Magazine this weekend about Will Allen, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but I thought I would share it anyway. Mr. Allen has managed to create a local food system to feed 10,000 plus people–in mostly underserved and low-income populations. It is an […]

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