Prospect Lefferts Gardens Community Supported Agriculture (PLG CSA) is committed to providing a source of fresh, healthy and organic food to the communities of Flatbush, Prospect Lefferts Gardens and Crown Heights. PLG CSA was founded in 2007 to:
Connect residents with New York State farmers to bring fresh, local, and organic produce to the neighborhood
Promote collective and cooperative work and encourage community in how we operate–within our group and with farms
How We Work
We are a volunteer, community-run group that works directly with our farmers to purchase and bring food into our neighborhood.

Ahead of the harvest season, members purchase a share in the entire season from our local farms.
With your share purchase, farmers can invest the money ahead of time for seeds, materials and equipment.
When vegetables are ripe, the farmer harvests them 1-2 days before and delivers them to us.
As the season progresses, members can expect to receive a variety of produce based on what vegetables are in season.
Members volunteer time on Saturdays to help the CSA run, usually (about 5 hours a season).
Shift duties include site setup, unloading the farm truck, sorting and bagging produce, greeting members at pick-up, and clean up.
Members come on Saturday mornings to pick up.
There are 24 distributions of organic vegetables, from mid-June thru December. We also sell egg and fruit shares.
PLG CSA is one many Community Supported Agriculture groups in neighborhoods across New York City. To locate other CSAs in New York City, check out Just Food’s Value Chain Map.
Our Farmers
All our farmers are in New York State and are family run.
We also do coffee orders, from Dean’s Beans, as well as syrup from Miller’s Crossing and honey from local Brooklyn beekeepers.