Looking for a new zucchini recipe? Need someone to trade volunteer shifts or pick up your share while you’re out of town? Our new yahoo group is a great way to communicate with other members. Join now!
Looking for a new zucchini recipe? Need someone to trade volunteer shifts or pick up your share while you’re out of town? Our new yahoo group is a great way to communicate with other members. Join now!
Help us decide on burning csa questions… vote now!
Quite a few of us have been reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle this summer. Here’s an interview with Barbara Kingsolver describing her family’s year long experiment with eating only locally grown food.
Our trip to Woodbridge Farm on Saturday was a blast! We kicked off the afternoon with a delicious pot luck lunch which included lasagne, salad, baked zucchini, hard boiled eggs, salsa, cheese, fruit, banana bread, and lemongrass soda. Yum! Then David and Julia took us on a walking tour of the farm. We got to […]
By popular request, here’s the weekly newsletter for those who would rather read it online. If you have any suggestions or contributions, email our newsletter editors at newsletter@plgcsa.org.
Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s been six weeks already. Our CSA is doing great! Distribution has been going more smoothly every time, thanks to all the volunteers who have been doing a fabulous job. We also have a brand new newsletter which debuted this week, and CSA tote bags will be coming soon. Our […]
There’s an article in the Times today about COOL. It’s been 5 years since this law was passed requiring country of origin labels on meat, fish, and produce, but it’s still not being enforced. What do all you CSAers think about this? Should origin labeling be voluntary or mandatory? If you’d like to see this […]
The distribution volunteer schedule is now available online in a google calendar! You can use this to check what date/time you signed up for, and schedule email reminders. Before your shift, please take a look at the volunteer instructions.
Scapes are the flower stalks found on members of the Allium family (onions, leeks, chives, and garlic). Garlic scapes, which only appear on hardneck garlic varieties, curl upward as they grow, ultimately straighten, and then grow little seed-like bulbs. Garlic growers cut the scapes to enhance bulb growth. When garlic scapes are still in full […]
Ok, this isn’t exactly CSA related, but it sounds pretty cool. The Science Barge is a sustainable urban farm powered by solar, wind, and biofuels, and irrigated by rainwater and purified river water. It will be touring waterfront parks in NYC for the next two years. The barge is currently docked at Pier 84 in […]