My good friend is a member of a CSA in Seattle and we love comparing notes on our bounties. I am amazed to hear that she gets stuff like bags of chanterelle mushrooms. Last year when her farm had suffered lots of flooding, she was amazed that I was actually getting a pickup every week. This past Christmas she gave me Deborah Madison’s cookbook Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. It’s quite a tome – you could do serious bicep curls with it. This book is awesome. I am an omnivore, but this book is so big and chock full of recipes, that I sometimes think it might be possible for me to live without meat. Or at least try. The pictures and illustrations are beautiful. I am still making my way through the recipes, but so far they seem simple and straightforward. And there is a lot of info about cooking methods, kitchen staples and seasonings. This year I’m going to give the kohlrabi with horseradish recipe a try.
Is there a cookbook you wanna eat? Tell us about it.