This week we profile Maya Feller. Say hello to her and Parker next time you see them at pickup.
What do you do?
I’m a mother to a 20 month old and a graduate student getting my Masters in Clinical Nutrition
Where do you live?
In Flatbush. I think a realtor just named our area South Lefferts which I find pretty funny!
How long have you been a member?
This is our third season.
When you do your pickup where are you coming from?
I’m usually coming from the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens with Parker.
Where are you going to?
Headed home
What are you never without at pickup
My son Parker and my bags!
What time is it usually?
Around 5pm
Who cooks your veggies/fruits?
My husband or myself
Who eats them?
The whole family!
What do you think you use the most?
The greens
What’s the best part of the CSA?
The community and knowing where my food is coming from.
If you were a fruit or veggie what would you be? Why?
I’d probably be lettuce because it’s always in my fridge. It’s my favorite no fuss food. Lettuce is very crisp, clean, tasty and easy to prepare. Also there are many varieties, so I guess it’s pretty versatile.
We want to get to know you. Please. Contact ariella at so we can share your story with the world (or just our small food loving community.)