This week meet Nicole.  She is the liason with the police department in PLG and alerts us to the crime in the neighborhood and what is being done about it.  She also started and organizes a group of women who make (delicious) meals for new moms in the community.

Who are you? My name is Nicole. Our small family (husband Blaise and son Marius) has been living in PLG for almost two years. I grew up with a mother who made everything from scratch (including things like mayonnaise and granola bars and fruit roll-ups and yogurt), so I have a love of the kitchen and all that happens in it (on the flip side, I have a weird sensitivity about being the-kid-with-the-weird-lunch, maybe some of you can relateJ). I am always seeking more wholesome, nutritious and interesting foods, so I very much appreciate our CSA!

What do you do? I am the mother of a delightful 3 year old boy. I also own a small environmental commodities brokerage and consulting firm. We broker and consult in the wholesale energy markets for renewables, and in the carbon offset market in the US. I work from a home office.

Where do you live? Parkside Avenue.

Where did you grow up? All over the world – my father was with an international advertising firm.

How long have you been a member? Second summer and running!

What are you never without at pickup? My son usually comes with me. He loves playing with the toy kitchen in the back of the room by the fruit. I love giving him something to chew on the way home – a cucumber, a zucchini, a container of raspberries.

Who cooks your veggies/fruits? We use everything we get usually in the first 5 days or so. I make stews and jams and all kinds of concoctions. We now have a freezer in the basement so I’m busy filling it with summertime foods to get us through the dreary winter (this week was a variety of sorbets and quiches!)

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