This week, meet the artist, Lizzie.

Who are you? Lizzie Scott

What do you do? I’m an artist.

Where do you live? Here!

 Where did you grow up? We moved a lot– I was born in Chicago, lived in North Carolina, Rhode Island, New Jersey. My father moved to NY when I was in High School, so I spent a lot of time here.

 How long have you been a member? This is our first year.

When you do your pickup where are you coming from? The playground or an adventure with the kids. Tuesday is one of my “home days.”

Where are you going to? Home for an early dinner.

What are you never without at pickup Nadia, my 18 month old.

What time is it usually? 5:00

Who cooks your veggies/fruits? Mostly me, sometimes my husband, Eric Eisner.

Who eats them? Everyone.

What do you think you use the most? Swiss Chard or tomatoes

What’s your favorite fruit or veggie score? Tomatoes or salad turnips.

What’s the best part of the CSA? Knowing so well where the food comes from.

Is there a fun fact about you that you would like to share? All my fingers bend backward.

 If you were a fruit or veggie what would you be?  Why? All of them sometimes.

Check out Lizzie’s work at


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