This week meet brand new member and neighbor, Scott.
Who are you? Scott Grimm-Lyon
What do you do? I‘m a Graduate Student at Pratt studying City Planning, I also work part time for Pratt.
Where do you live? Lefferts Ave; I was lucky to find a nice building with nice neighbors.
Where did you grow up? I grew up on the North Shore of Long Island in a town called Mt. Sinai. It’s all housing now, but it was mostly woods and corn farms when I grew up.
How long have you been a member? This is my first year, my wife Jessica and I had been members of a CSA in New Mexico and we looked for one as soon as we moved into the neighborhood.
When you do your pickup where are you coming from? This being our first year we haven’t quite developed a pattern yet but Jessica has done most of the pick ups on her way home from work in Manhattan, we’ve both met each other after work at the CSA as well.
Where are you going to? We usually go straight home. She starts preparing a fresh salad while I take the dog out for a walk.
What are you never without at pickup? Aside from our CSA tote bag we bring a nice Heifer International tote that we got as a thank you for volunteering at their organic farm in Massachusetts.
What time is it usually? 6:00ish
Who cooks your veggies/fruits? Jes and I share the cooking responsibilities, She’s great at making quick stir fry type meals and I usually do the more in depth weekend cooking.
Who eats them? So far we’ve hogged the vegetables all to to ourselves. We do plan on having a few dinner parties as the summer progresses.
What do you think you use the most? We love the assortment of Lettuce, we use a homemade blue cheese dressing to make some truly decadent salads.
What’s your favorite fruit or veggie score? Last week when we got Two Quarts of Strawberries, was a very happy time in our house.
What’s the best part of the CSA? I love that PLGCSA is in the neighborhood and so convenient, but mostly I love that food is healthy, fresh and that the money I spend on produce is going directly to the farmer (food flavored with justice).
Is there a fun fact about you that you would like to share? I’ve got a collection of over 200 Graphic Novels, and am always on the look out for a good comic book shop.
f you were a fruit or veggie what would you be? Why? Acorn Squash, they’re warm and inviting, easy to prepare and store well. I like to think that I’m easy going, and patient, plus they’re my favorite color and arrive in my favorite season; the fall.