How much is the CSA?
See this year’s information for pricing. Pricing is for the entire season of 24 distributions.
Can I join for only part of the season? What if I move or leave or find out that I can’t pick up regularly?
You cannot join for part of the season, but if you have to leave or move, or the CSA does not fit your schedule for whatever reason, you can sell your share to someone. PLG CSA does not offer refunds Typically, members pro-rate the share for the remaining weeks. We also will help you sell your share and make sure you get value out of it!
What do I get each week?
Shares are based on what is in season and ripe to harvest. Typically, when the season starts, we will get salad greens, peas, etc. As the season progresses, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables will be available. As we head into fall, you will get potatoes, onions, carrots and other root vegetables. The farmer always tries to include greens of some type each week. See the 2019 list for examples.
How big is a single share?
This depends on how often you cook but typically a single share is enough for 3 people for the week. You will receive 7-10 types of vegetables and they come in standard sizes–a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrots, a pound of tomatoes, etc. See the 2019 list for examples.
Can I buy a half share?
No, we only sell single shares. You can buy more than one share. If a single share is too much for you, we suggest you find a friend or neighbor to split it or we can help you find someone to share with.
Can I just buy a fruit or egg share and not a vegetable share?
No, given that we have limited volunteers doing administrative work, we only sell fruit and egg shares as an add-on to the vegetable share.
Do I have to work?
The CSA runs cooperatively to help set up the site, unload all the vegetables from the truck, weigh and bag shares, distribute them and clean up. We expect every household to work at least one distribution which runs from from 8:20 to 12:30. If you cannot work, we provide exemptions for those who are immuno-compromised, pregnant/just had a kid, solo parents, or disabled.
What if I can’t pick up that week? Can I get a credit? Can someone pick up for me?
Because we are a guest of Trail Blazers, shares cannot be held and we do not do refunds or credits. All remaining shares are donated to CAMBA for their food pantry programs. You can have another member, a friend or neighbor pick up for you. PLG CSA manages a Google Group of all CSA members so you can ask for help there. We also encourage people to swap weeks so that the week you are gone someone else gets your share and the week the other member is gone, you will pick up their share in addition to yours. That way you keep the value of your shares.
Do I have to pay all at once?
We offer payment plans. If you have special circumstances, please contact us at and we will work it out with you.
What if I can’t afford the full amount?
We have a limited number of discounts available if you need assistance. Please contact us at and we will work it out with you.
What if the season isn’t very good, do we get a credit/refund?
A big part of belonging to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is that you share in the rewards and risks of farming. This is an investment in the farm as much as it is as a product we have purchased. We have never had a season cut short due to weather or other disasters. If the weather and growing season produce a bounty of crops, we will benefit from that.
Will we get to meet the farmers?
Every year, we try to take a farm trip to meet the farmers Chris and Kate at The Farm at Miller’s Crossing and visit Samascott Orchards, both located in the Hudson Valley, about 3 hours away. This is an all day trip, typically in the fall.
What is your COVID/safety protocol?
Because we have people who may be immunocompromised, take care of elderly or immunocompromised family, or with small children, we closely follow New York City and State guidelines and data on COVID and other contagious diseases. Our space is ideal for a safe pick up in that it has high ceilings and has two sets of doors that we have open at almost all distributions regardless of weather. We have a MERV13 air filter and will require masks when necessary (based on current health data) or if requested by volunteers working.